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Please make a monetary donation to BeatTips today, and help us continue to provide the same level of knowledge, quality service, and timely guidance.





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Why Donate?

BeatTips has been a valuable resource for beatmakers, other music makers, general hip hop/rap aficionados, and scholars for more than 11 years; that’s not going to stop! In addition to the site redesign that debuted this past November, in 2015 BeatTips will continue its expansion, adding new features and improving popular ones (like BeatTips Interviews, BeatTips FAQs, and TBC — The BeatTips Community) that have always been important to our readers. Further, BeatTips will continue with the development of the BeatTips Art of Beatmaking Education Project (ABEP). The fundamental purpose of the BeatTips ABEP is to help preserve, promote, and expand the beatmaking tradition of hip hop/rap music through a series of specialized projects, cross art medium and technology collaborations, and grant offerings to beatmakers.

Also, as a 100% independent publisher, I have always looked to back all of my projects (every edition of The BeatTips Manual) entirely on my own or with the limited assistance of a handful of friends and family members. Because of my commitment to providing the most trusted information in the culture of beatmaking, and in light of the natural growth of BeatTips and its importance to readers around the world, I’m committed to expanding BeatTips. To help with the expansion, and to continue to produce hard copies of my books, The BeatTips Manual and The Art of Sampling, I’m raising funding of $25,000.00. The total cost of printing, freight, and storage for a number of hard copies to sufficiently supply demand for the upcoming year is actually $35,000 (the balance of which is coming out of my own pocket).

Right now, more people and institutions have been directly requesting hard copies of The BeatTips Manual and The Art of Sampling than ever before. For those who’ve already bought electronic versions (PDF and eBook versions), there has been no let up in their request for hard copies, which have been sold out and unavailable for the latter part of the year. And I was already at work on a special hard copy edition when, in the last couple of months, I started receiving emails from even more librarians, professors, other education officials, and, of course, regular BeatTips readers. For instance, just two days ago, a professor at the University of New Haven wrote me requesting books for a course he will be teaching on beatmaking and technology in the Spring 2015 semester. This is all great news, as it means that trusted knowledge about the art of beatmaking is not only becoming increasingly valuable, but beatmaking itself is further being recognized as one of the most important music processes of modern time.

Your generosity and support is much appreciated, thank you.

—Amir Said (Sa’id),